FREE testicular cancer check reminder
Our free monthly reminders could save your life. Nice. We'll drink to that .
Get your FREE monthly reminder. Remember to check your NUTS with our FREE monthly reminder. Sign up
Our free monthly reminders could save your life. Nice. We'll drink to that .
Remind me to check my nuts
Yeah we know. You've got a memory like a sieve. Well, we've got you covered! We'll send you a handy little reminder each month!
How do I check my nuts?
There are some good resources out there why not check them out Baggy Trousers or Macmillan alternatively a quick Google will bring up lots of resources.
What do I do if I find a lump?
First of all, don't panic. Most lumps aren't cancerous, however it's better to be safe, so make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible. If caught at the right time, testicular cancer is very treatable.
Where can I learn more about testicular cancer?
There are pleanty of resources out there, a simple Google search will bring up lots of results. Here are some examples of some good ones: Baggy Trousers, Cancer Research and the good old NHS.
Woman need breast cancer check reminders too!
Thankfully there is already an amazing charity out there thats got you covered. Check out
Are you a registered charity or non-profit?
Nope, we believe in keeping things simple and we didn't want to over complicate things.
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